about us

Immersed in the sun-drenched serenity of Tenerife, amidst the rhythmic whispers of ocean waves and the vibrant pulse of life, is where we, at Your Story Online, have made our home. Our ethos is anchored in inspiration, upliftment, and connection, nurtured by the energy of our island. Driven by authenticity and a relentless pursuit of excellence, we focus on helping our clients radiate their unique influence through a purposeful and impactful online presence.

Let us introduce our passionate co-founders:

Steeve Vanden Heede
is a creative whirlwind, specialising in Creative Video Content. From his beginnings as a self-taught dancer, Steeve has cultivated a multitude of talents that include Choreography, Video Production, Business Development and Talent Mentoring. His unique fusion of creative vision, technical acumen, and strategic thinking forms the backbone of our bespoke brand strategies, designed to spark connection and engagement.

Janina Mengelkamp
has wide-ranging experience in Communications and specialises in Content - and Ghostwriting. With more than ten years of experience in PR, Content Creation and Event Production, she is quick to understand brand identities and craft an authentic narrative that makes our clients shine. She is passionate about Social Enterprises and founded one herself - „Atelier Maqui“, a concept store for ethically handmade home goods. 

At Your Story Online, we synergize our skills and passions to help our clients take command of their personal brands, transforming them into powerful catalysts for growth and success. Our approach transcends mere content creation; we strive to imbue our clients with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to voice their authentic selves, excel in their fields, and create a lasting impact. From our vibrant base in Tenerife, we draw upon the energy around us to help your unique story shine online.

Steeve & Janina

Our vision

Our vision is to be a global leader in personal branding and digital content creation, renowned for our authenticity, innovation, and excellence. We envision a world where individuals and businesses can confidently express their unique stories, connecting and inspiring others. We aim to continually evolve, embracing new strategies, technologies, and trends, fostering an environment of continuous learning and growth, where creativity thrives and success is a shared journey.

our mission

Our mission is to empower individuals and businesses by crafting authentic and compelling personal brands. We strive to intertwine the power of storytelling with digital innovation, transforming unique narratives into impactful digital content. Through collaboration and creativity, we aspire to showcase each client's genuine voice, making a meaningful difference in their growth and success